Well reflecting back on the last two months,,,the middle of August saw another year roll through for me, making me now 25 years "experienced". It was certainly not the ordinary birthday, I spent the day with Andy in a place called Bamiyan Afghanistan. This has to be one of the most beautiful places in Afghanistan.The airport and city sit in a valley at 8000ft with 18000 feet mountains surrounding it in every direction.
I knew this was going to be an awesome place even during the approach to the airport. Flying down a 50 mile long valley, around a small hill on final to a gravel runway made for a pilots dream airport! 
Bamiyan's claim to fame are three giant Buddha statues or what used to be. During the 6Th century these three Buddha were carved into the cliffs and had remained a major land mark for centuries. In 2001 they were blown to pieces by the Taliban because they were seen as idols.
The statues are gone but the caverns and outline still remain.
It was amazing stepping back in history 1000 years!
I was later treated to a 3 kilogram birthday cake and ice cream. For those rusty on the conversion that's a 6.6 pound cake!!!
Probably the most recent venture was a vacation back home for about two weeks. Following a stimulating 15 hour airplane ride from Dubai UAE to Atlanta Georgia and then onto Wichita I experienced a very strange version of culture shock. Driving away from the airport cars were stopping at stoplights, maintaining their own lane, and there was no white smoky haze from any vehicle in sight. Restaurants had every food listed on the menu and the waiter actually knew what he was doing, never mind spoke perfect "American" English. (there really is a difference)
Wal-Mart, wow talk about a sensory overload. Clean floors, rows of anything you might want, and raw meat that didn't have blood dripping from it and was even safe to eat. It was amazing what we get used to and often take for granted.
I realized how much I missed somethings; the freedom of driving a car, toilets that actually flush, fresh water and milk to just name a few things.
I had the privilege of being an usher for my friend Brian Kroeker's wedding, it was great to see Brian and Kristin begin their new life together. 
I spent a weekend in Holmes County Ohio for a reception of Steve and Sari Bontrager celebrating their marriage from back in July. It was great to catch up with
people I hadn't seen for way to long.
I was able to slip in a night of fishing and camping with my family, and spent the rest of the time catching up with people. Although I am afraid I still missed many! It was a great two weeks that seemed to slip away in no time.